martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Marionette: Resumen Tomo 7

Scan de la portada (700x1071 pixels) - click para agrandar.

Cover's scan (700x1071 pixels) - click to enlarge.


Yuki le cuenta a Nanami su historia de como el tio de Jin lo contrato hace años para que vigilara a su sobrino.
Empiezan los ensayos en el teatro de Tennoji, y cada vez que recita Nanami él no le presta mucha atencion y hace que recite la suplente despues. Mas tarde, en la compañia de Jin, estan hablando Yuki, Nanami y otra chica sobre el proyecto de Jin, que ha dicho de seguir adelante y que Juana sera interpretado por Nanami. Tras la reunion, Yuki habla con Nanami y le dice que Jin le ha llamado, que le ha dicho que siguiera con Tennoji pero ella le responde que no quiere seguire dejandose maltratar por él. Asi Yuki le dice que le sugirio a Jin otra opcion, hablar con su tio, lider de una famosa empresa, para presionar a Tennoji de que no dijera nada sobre Jin y asi Nanami podria volver a la compañia de Jin. Deciden llevar a cabo esto ultimo.
Al dia siguiente, ensayando con Tennoji, Yuki va a verlo y le expone el trato, Tennoji acepta y va a buscar a Nanami para decirle que ya puede volver a la compañia de Jin, pero cuando debe llevarla con Yuki, la lleva a otra habitacion e intenta seducirla, pues es la ultima carta que le queda por jugar para hacerle daño a Jin. Takeru, que aparece de repente, la salva y mas tarde Yuki se la lleva de alli.Takeru va a hablar con Tennoji y le preopone algo, dice que solo juntos podran quitar de en medio a Jin. Al dia siguiente, Nanami esta por fin en la compañia de Jin, van a empezar a ensayar cuando en la TV estan dando una noticia, Tennoji y Takeru estan en directo, anunciando una colaboracion de ambas compañias para representar 'Juana'. Nanami no puede creerse lo que esta pasando. Esa noche, despues de varias noches sin llamar, por fin la llama Jin, y ella desesperada por verle, coge un taxi y va a encontrarse con el. Le da animos y que tenga fuerza para luchar contra Takeru. En el ensayo de la 'nueva' representacion, en un nuevo y gran teatro, Takeru sorprende a todos dirigiendo de una manera experta. Cuando Nanami le pregunta que se propone, dice que lo hace por ella y por el teatro. Yuki dice que solo le queda jugar una ultima carta.
Termina el tomo con la noche del estreno a punto de subir el telon.

Fin. (ver ficha para descargar tomos)


Yuki tells Nanami his past, and how Jin's uncle hired him to keep an eye on his nephew. The rehearsals at Tennoji's theatre begins and every time Nanami performs, Tennoji doesnt pay attention to her and after, he makes the substitute play the part again. Later, at Jin's company, Nanami Yuki and other girl are talking about Jin's project, Jin has told everyone to go on with it and that Nanami will be Juana. After the meeting, Yuki tells Nanami that Jin has phoned him and told him she should go on Tennoji's company, but she replies she doesnt want to be bullied by him. So Yuki tells her he suggested another solution to Jin, to talk to Jin's uncle, manager of a very famous and important company to press Tennoji so he wouldnt say a word about Jin and Nanami would be able to come back to Jin's company. They decided to do that.
Next day, at Tennoji's rehearsals, Yuki goes to see him to tell him the deal. Tennoji reluctanly accepts and goes to tell Nanami about it, but when he should take her to Yuki, he takes her to an empty room and tries to seduce her, it's the last thing he can do to finally 'hurt' Jin. Takeru suddenly appears and saves her and then Yuki takes her out of there. Takeru goes to talk to Tennoji and proposes him something, he says only together they would be able to make Jin disappear. The next day, Nanami is finally back at Jin's company and they are about to being with rehearsals when they see something on TV. Tennoji and Takeru are on air, annoucing a colaboration between them to release 'Juana'. Nanami cant believe it what's happening. That night, after a few nights without phoning, she got a call from Jin. She is desperated to see him, so she gets a cab and goes to meet him. Nanami tries to cheer Jin up and tells him to fight against Takeru. At the rehearsals of the 'new' play, in a new and larger theatre, Takeru surprises everyone directing like Jin would do. When Nanami asks him what he is up to, he says he's doing that for the theatre and for her. Yuki says there's only one thing left he can do.
The volume ends with the opening night.

End. (check data to download volumes)

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