lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Marionette: Resumen Tomo 6

Scan de la portada (700x1054 pixels) - click para agrandar.

Cover's scan (700x1054 pixels) - click to enlarge.


Nanami se encuentra a Jin en la calle, cuando sale del teatro de Tennoji, y cuando el intenta irse sin mas, ella cruza la calle, haciendo que los coches frenen y llega hasta él que al ver esto se habia parado. El le pregunta que por que no hizo lo que le dijo, irse a su casa, y ella le contesta que no puede volver, que no puede vivir sin el, que a ver si se entera. Y entonces Jin la besa.
Despues van a una iglesia a refugiarse de la lluvia y le cuenta su viaje, cómo ha ido por Estados Unidos intentando recordar su pasado. Y lo ultimo que ha descubierto, que hubo un incendio en su casa cuando era pequeño y que hubo un muerto, un niño que se asemeja mucho a él y se llama Takeru. Cuando fue a la familia Jin a preguntarle nadie le quiso decir nada, al final su tio se enfada y comienza a hablar... En ese momento su otra personalidad aparece y termina de contarle la historia de cuando Jin fue a hablar con la familia. El tio le dijo que el muerto era Jin Masayuki, que él era un impostor, que en realidad era Takeru. Nanami no le cree. Cuando logra escapar de Takeru y llega a casa, Yuki esta alli y ella le pregunta. Yuki confirma la historia de Takeru, que el niño que murio realmente era Jin. Yuki le cuenta que eran gemelos, y que vivian separados sin conocerse. Pero el dia del incendio, sin saber como, Takeru estaba en la casa de Jin, y que al morir Jin en el incendio, Takeru estuvo unos dias sin conocimiento y cuando desperto decia ser Jin. Nanami no quiere creer que Jin sea 'la otra personalidad' y no el verdadero. Yuki le dice a Nanami de tender una trampa a Takeru para capturarlo e internarlo. Ella accede pero cuando lo atrapan, Takeru escapa, pero antes le dice a Nanami que no se fie de Yuki, que es un spia de la familia de Jin.
Nanami recibe una llamada de telefono de Jin, en la que le dice que siga con la obra de 'Juana' de Tennoji, que confie en el. Cuando Nanami habla con Yukiko se entera que Jin tambien ha llamado a su compañia para que sigan con la obra.
En el teatro de Tennoji, cuando estan ensayando, aparece Takeru. Se queda un poco, dice un par de cosas y se va.
Esa noche Jin vuelve a llamar a Nanami, dice que Takeru es ahora el mas fuerte, y solo cuando esta dormido, puede él tener posesion del cuerpo, sólo por un par de horas. Nanami le dice que quiere verlo pronto y Jin le dice que tambien. Cuando cuelga, Yuki esta en la habitacion. Nanami sorprendida le pide que le diga quien es en realidad. Le pregunta, si como dijo Takeru, es el espia de la familia Jin.

Fin. (ver ficha para descargar tomos)


Nanami sees Jin when she leaves Tennoji's theatre and when he tries to get away, she crosses the street. Cars stop in a chaos and finally she reaches him. Jin asks her why she didnt do as he said, to come back home, and she replies that she cannot come back like that, that she cannont live without him and to please understand for good. Then Jin kisses her. Then they go to a church, to shelter, because it was raining hard, and Jin tells her his journey through America trying to remember his past. And also what he has found lately, there was a fire in his house and a boy, just like him named Takeru, died. When Jin went to visit Jin's family, nobody told him anything but his uncle got angry and began to speak...In that moment, the other personality appears and it's him to tell Nanami the end of the story. The uncle told Jin that he wasnt Jin Masayuki, that he was a liar, that in reality he was Takeru. Nanami doesnt believes it. When she gets ride of Takeru and arrives home, Yuki is there and she asks him about what she has just heard. Yuki also confirms Takeru's story, the boy who died in the fire was Jin. Yuki tells her the boys were twins and they lived apart without knowing the other. But the day of the fire, nobody knew how, Takeru was at Jin's house and when Jin died, Takeru was a few days in hospital unconscious and when he woke up he said he was Jin. Nanami doesnt want to believes that Jin is 'the other personality' and not the 'true' one. Yuki tells Nanami they should take Takeru and confine him. She agrees but when they take him, Takeru manages to escape but before going, he tells Nanami not to trust Yuki, because he's a spy of Jin's family.
Nanami receives a phone call from Jin, and he tells him to go on with Tennoji's 'Juana' and to trust him. When Nanami talks to Yukiko, she says Jin phoned the company and told them to go on with the play. At Tennoji's theatre, while they are rehearsing, Takeru appears and stays for a while, says a few things and then leaves. That night, Jin phones Nanami again and tells her Takeru is now stronger and only when Takeru is sleeping when he can take posession of his body, only for a couple of hours. Nanami says she wants to see him soon and Jin says so he does. When she hangs up, Yuki is there. Nanami, surprised, asks him to tell her the truth about who he is. She asks him if, as Takeru says, he is a spy of Jin's family.

End. (check data to download volumes)

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