domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Marionette: Resumen Tomo 5

Scan de la portada (700x1055 pixels) - click para agrandar.

Cover's scan (700x1055 pixels) - click to enlarge.


El otro Jin se enfada y dice que se acabo ya de tanta estupida interpretacion y que como ella solo quiere librarse de él, que quiere lo que le prometio ya. Asi que se lleva a Nanami al camerino. Ella va con el porque se da cuenta que solo conociendolo a él podra encontrar la manera de traer de vuelta a Jin. Asi que la interpretacion sigue con Yukiko haciendo los dos papeles y con el sustituto de la bestia. Mientras en el camerino el otro Jin y Nanami empiezan a discutir, el otro Jin no quieren que lo ignoren. Ella se da cuenta, segun se narra en el guion de la bella, que debe aceptar a esta otra personalidad. Asi pues lo acepta e intenta darle aquello que nunca ha tenido, amor. En ese momento el verdadero Jin vuelve en si. Tras unos momentos le dice a Nanami que se vaya, que vuelva a casa, que él ya no va a interpretar mas y que va a cerrar la compañia. Que el otro Jin es un peligro para todos y para ella, y que no quiere que este cerca. Ella no quiere dejarlo y le pregunta si era verdad lo que le dijo el otro, que si él esta enamorado de ella. El no contesta porque en ese momento escuchan que ha terminado la obra, y salen del camerino.
Al dia siguiente Jin anuncia que se acabaron las represetanciones y que cierra la compañia. Mas tarde Nanami esta sentada a oscuras en el escenario cuando Jin aparece y le dice que antes no pudo contestar a su pregunta...que todo lo que le dijo el otro es mentira. Ella se vuelve y le dice que le ama.El se da la vuelta para irse, ella se levanta e intenta buscarlo en la oscuridad diciendole que le ama pero tropieza. Antes de caer Jin la coge y la abraza, pero le dice que hasta que no consiga solucionar el problema suyo debe renunciar a todo, al teatro, a la compañia e incluso a ella. En el avion de regreso a casa Yuki la llama y le dice que Jin ha desaparecido.
Ella regresa a su casa para una celebracion por la muerte de su padre. Estando en su ciudad aparece Tennoji, el 'adversario' de Jin, y le dice que ahora que se ha disuelto la compañia que vaya a la suya, pero ella lo rechaza.
Nanami decide volver a Tokio y esperar a que Jin vuelva. Una vez alli, tambien decide intentar seguir con la compañia e interpretar alguna obra mientras el vuelve. Estando en la compañia, aparece TennoJi, y hablando con Yukiko se entera de lo que le sucede a Jin, y chantajea a Nanami para que vaya a su compañia o le contara a todo el mundo el problema de Jin. Ella finalmente acepta, por Jin, para que nada le perjudique cuando vuelva. En la compañia de Jin acuerdan interpretar 'Juana de Arco' y le dicen a Nanami que ella sera la protagonista, aunque ella se niega, nadie sabe del acuerdo con TennoJi, ya que él le pidio de no decirlo hasta que él mismo le informara. Un dia va a su estudio, y para hablar con el tiene que entrar en una audicion, y estando alli TennoJi la coge la saca delante de todos y les dice que ella sera la protagonista de su proxima obra que es.....y saca el libreto de 'Juana de Arco' de la mochila de Nanami. Ahi esta lo que se traia entre manos TennoJi, ahora, le dice a Nanami, no podra volver a la compañia de Jin, porque todos la rechazaran y pensaran que los ha traicionados, y Jin y ella no podran actuar mas juntos.

Fin. (ver ficha para descargar tomos)


The other Jin is very angry and quits performing, he says he's fed with all that no-sense. That she only wants to get rid of him and not to do what she has promised therefore he wants it in that moment. So he takes her to the dressing room. She goes with him because she realizes that only knowning him she will be able to bring Jin back. The performance goes on with Yukiko doing the 2 beauty roles and the beast is done by the substitute. Meanwhile, in the dressing room, the other Jin and Nanami are having an argument, he doesnt want her to ignore him. Nanami realizes, as happens in the script, she must accept this other personality of Jin. So she accepts him and tries to give him what he has never had, love. In that moment, the 'real' Jin shows up. A few moments later he tells her to leave, to come back home, that he's not going to perform anymore and even close the company. He goes on saying that his other personality is dangerous for everybody, for her, so he doesnt want her to be near. She doesnt want to leave him, and asks him if it was true what the other Jin said, that he is in love with her. He doesnt answer because in that moment they hear the performance has finished and they go out of the dressing room.
The next day Jin inform everyone that there wont be any more performances and he will close the company. Later, Nanami is sitting in the stage, alone in the dark, when Jin appears and tells her he couldnt answer her question before, that everything the other Jin said was a lie. She turns and tells him she loves him. He turns to leave and she stands and tries to find him in the dark repeating that she loves him, but she trips and is about to fall when finally Jin approaches and takes her in his arms. But he tells her he has to renounce to everything till he can solve his problem, he will renounce to perform, to his company, and even to her.
In the flight back home, Yuki calls Nanami and tells her Jin has disappeared.
She comes back home because there was a celebration for his father's death. One day, in her city, appears Tennoji, Jin's opponent, and tells her, now that the company has been close, to go to his own, but she refuses.
Nanami decides to go to Tokyo once again and wait for Jin to come back. Once there, she also decides to reunite the company and try to perform any old play while they wait for Jin. In the company, Tennoji appears and talking to Yukiko, who talks too much, he gets to know about Jin's problem and then blackmails her and tells her to join his company or he would let the world know about Jin. She finallys accepts, because of Jin, so when he comes back nothing could ruin him. In Jin's company all agree to perform 'Juana de arco' and they decide Nanami would take the main role, but she refuses. Nobody knows about her deal with Tennoji, because he told her not to tell anyone till he says she could. One day, Nanami goes to his company, and to be able to talk to him she has to take part in an audition. When Tennoji finally sees her, he takes her and introduces her to everyone as the actress chosen for the main role of his new play that would be...and takes the scrip of 'Juana de arco' from Nanami's bag. So that was what Tennoji was trying to do all this time. And then he tells her she cant go back to Jin's company because everyone would be angry at her, thinking she has betrayed them and she and Jin will never -ever- perform together again.

End. (check data to download volumes)

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