martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010
Bronze no Tenshi Bunko
Here they are, the covers of the first two bunkos which go on sale on 15th.
lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010
Ilustration de Be Boy Gold
Last week Chiho uploaded to her Twitter this image, is part of the illustration that will be publish in the next issue of Be x Boy Gold (28/12) This time it's a hindu...
sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010
+ Be Boy Gold
Well, it seems that we're going to have more Chiho. In the current issue, where we've already seen the beautiful illustration pin up of the Sheikh, in the upcoming issue preview (which goes on sale in December) they also mentioned Saito. So, I asked her on Twitter and she has said that she's being published in the next 4 issues! Now, what's going to be? I dont know anything else yet, but Chiho says she still have to upload her schedule on her blog...till then, patience! I will inform as soon as I know anything else! Oh, remember Be Boy Gold magazine is yaoi...
domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010
Be Boy Gold
I found another image (on auctions), this time complete, of Chiho's illustration for Be Boy Gold magazine. It's a mini poster (2 pages) and on the back there's a comic page, and that's all. Indeed it looks so great!
viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
Rinka #11
El siguiente capitulo saldra en Febrero 2011.
I finally have the new rinka in my hands! Here you are a photo of the chapter 5 cover. Reminds me a bit of a Marionette illustration...Beautiful indeed!
Next chapter will be released in February 2011.
Y otra cosa, en Enero 2011 se publicaran los tomos 1 y 2 de la edicion Bunko de Bronze no Tenshi!
More things, in January 2011 the bunko edition of Bronze no Tenshi will be released, volumes 1 and 2.
martes, 26 de octubre de 2010
Ilustration de Be Boy Gold
Amazon has uploaded the cover of the upcoming December Issue of Be Boy Gold, and Chiho has done an illustration for it. Well, for our pleasure, part of this illustration can be seen in the cover. Here you are, a wonderful Sheikh!
viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010
Harmony Romance - Autumn
Harmony Romance, Autumn special magazine is now up ^^
viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010
Actualizacion - Update
Updated マスケティア・ルージュ info, now quite complete, though i still have to add the info about CD Drama.
jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010
Rinka #11
Today is Oct. 14th and the new Rinka magazine has been released, with Valmot chapter 5!! I've already ordered my copy and I hope it arrives by the end of the month...if luck is by my side of course... As soon as it arrives i will upload a photo the chapter cover!!
Well...weeks ago I told you I had received 2 volumes of マスケティア・ルージュ, and that I was going to upload some images... well here they are. First there are the 2 pages with character illustrations. Then you'll find 2 more illustration, out of the 8 (more or less) that illustrated each volume.
sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
Anastasia Club en Italia
Chiho Saito (well, not her, but her stories) comes back to Italy. The first volume (of 5) of Anastasia Club will be released in December by Kappa Editorial. Price will be 5,90 Euros. Here you are the cover.
*Gracias a Elenariel y Mangaforever por la noticia. Grazie Elenariel ;-)
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
Ficha: Le Vicomte Valmont
I've noticed that there are many people asking about Valmont lately, and though there are some information on the blog, there's no an entry dedicated to it, as there is for the rest of mangas. So i'm going to do one.
Titulo original: 子爵ヴァルモン ~危険な関係~
Año: 2009
Tomos: 1 (publicandose actualmente)
Valmont trata sobre 'Las Amistades Peligrosas', si habeis visto alguna de las peliculas, ya sabreis de que va.
Valmont is about 'Dangerous Liaisons', if you have seen any of the movies, you'll know what it's about.
Valmont se publica en la revista Rinka (extra de la revista Flowers) que sale cada 3-4 meses. Aqui os dejo (aunque ya antes lo habia puesto) una imagen con las portadillas de capitulo de lo publicado hasta ahora.
Valmont is being published on Rinka (Flowers magazine Extra) which is released every 3-4 months. Here you can see (though i've already posted them before) an image of the chapers already published.
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
Flowers website has been updated and now we have the cover of the next volume of Ice Forest, which goes on sale on October 8th. And what to say, I love it!! I think it's my fav from all the 8.
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
Imagenes: Anastasia Club
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010
ahh i've always wanted to see these mosquetairs novels...well, some weeks ago I decided to buy some! and today they've arrived!! they have some illustrations inside, some of them very nice. It's been worth, and now i want more! hahaha i hope to buy more soon! I will post some inside picture soon!
viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
Imagenes: Portada Valmont
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
Imagenes: Portadas Valmont
martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010
OH MY!!!!
Well well well!!!! Look at what I've just received!!! It has taken me a lot of time to get it but finally it's on my hands!^^ Though I still cannot believe it!
sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010
Y para finales de Octubre...
Chiho Saito has said on her blog all the things she's working on at the moment, and besides all that we already knew (Ice Forest for Flowers magazine, Valmont for Rinka and Harmony Romance cover)...there's something we DIDNT know and it's that she's done a "pin-up" for Be X Boy Gold (Yaoi genre) that will be in December issue (will be published on October 28th). I will be tuned!
domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010
Otra cosa importante que queria comentaros es que en breve desapareceran todas las descargas. Si, lo se, es una molestia, pero la cosa no esta muy bien con el tema de las scanlations en ingles y tal...asi que mejor para quitarnos problemas en un futuro, y dejar solo la pagina como informacion. Si alguien necesita algun tomo que me lo haga saber por mail. O tambien habia pensando en la posibilidad de hacer una lista de correo, que pensais?
Perdonad los incovenientes,
Hi everyone! It's been two years since I started this blog and now it's time for a little changes ^^ so if you see something weird these days, dont worry, i'm working on it and dont know how much it will take...
Another important thing I wanted to comment is that all download will disappeare shortly. Yes, I know it's an incovenience, but things are not very good about scanlations's better not having future troubles with it, so the blog will be for all latest news. If anyone need a volume, let me know by mail. Or, I've been thinking about the possibility of creating a mailing list, what do you think?
Sorry for inconveniences,
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
Novedades Septiembre
Flowers magazine has updated its website with September information (though magazine is October issue LOL). So we have some news ^^
Para empezar, la portada del tomo 1 de Valmont (ya habiamos visto una parte hace unas semanas -link-)
To start with, Valmont Volume 1 cover (we'd already seen a big of it weeks ago -link-)
Y menudo portada!!! Valmont se ve guapisimo!!
And what a cover!! Valmont is gorgeous!!
Despues tenemos la portada del tercer (y ultimo) tomo de la nueva edicion Bunko de Anastasia Club.
Then we have the cover of the last volume of the new Bunko edition of Anastasia Club.
Y para terminar, la revista trae este mes una pagina a color de Ice forest. Aqui podeis ver echar un vistazo, aunque recordad que Chiho ya puso la imagen hace semanas y la pusimos aqui tambien.
And finally, the magazine has a color page of Ice Forest. Here's a glimpse, though remember Chiho posted the image weeks ago in Twitter, and it was posted here too.
Imagenes: Revista Harlequin
jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010
Imagenes: Revista Harlequin
lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010
Imagenes: Harmony Magazine
domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010
Imagenes: Rosenkreutz
Yesterday I found two images (small and avarage quality) which i havent seen before, they are from Rosenkreutz. They are inside CD drama, they look like pocket calendars...or maybe they are stickers...
miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010
Imagenes: Anastasia Club
lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010
Imagenes: Anastasia Club + Valmont
Cover of bunko Nº2 of Anastasia Club.
miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010
- Por otro lado, le pregunte a Chiho sobre sus ilustraciones de Gundam (echad un vistazo a estas dos entradas si no os acordais 1 y 2), y dijo (como ya sabia) que era fan de Gundam y de Char Aznable y que el editor de la revista Gundam Ace lo sabe y que a veces le encarga ilustraciones...Asi que nada, ya tengo una mision, encontrar el resto de ilustraciones ^^
- Volume 8 of Ice Forest will be released on Octobre 8th, it's going to be the longest series of Chiho!
- By the way, I asked Chiho about her Gundam illustrations (take a look at these two entries if you dont remember 1 and 2) and she said (as i'd already known) that she's fan of Gundam and Char Aznable and that the editor knows it so he sometimes asked her for some illustrations...So, now i have a mission, to find those 'missing' illustrations ^^
miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010
Avance Flowers de Octubre
Anastasia Club Bunko
Here it is the cover of the first bunko of Anastasia Club. As said in Flowers website, number 1 and 2 will go on sale on August 12th. I hope to get better images and cover of 2 then.
sábado, 17 de julio de 2010
Respuesta de Chiho...
Yesterday I asked Chiho if she had a favourite character from her stories, because of their character or design ...And this very morning she has answered. In her own words: "Probably the character whom I like is the person who assumed heavy sorrow..." And as examples she's mentioned: Masaomi, Itsuki, Kanon, D'Anthes and Pushkin.
Ya me imaginaba que Masaomi era uno de sus preferidos ya que es la imagen que usa de avatar en Twitter... Asi que nada, que le gustan los personajes tragicos...XDDD Y eso de mencionar a Itsuki, quiero ni imaginar lo que tiene en mente para el en Ice Forest, porque ya en el capitulo ultimo que colgue, el 37, la cosa se esta poniendo fea...
I thought that Masaomi was one of her favourites because it's the image she uses as avatar in Twitter...So, she likes tragic characters.... XDDDD. And mentioning Itsuki...I dont want to think what she has in store for him in Ice Forest, because in chapter 37 things are getting bad...
jueves, 15 de julio de 2010
Tomorrow July 15th will be release a volume called 100万回のkiss and has a story by Chiho: 休日はパリで (something like 'holidays in Paris'). This is one of the stories in Koi Monogatari, so there's nothing new (pity!).
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
Here you are an illustration of Yukino, from Ice Forest. Chiho posted it on her Twitter, where she posts daily and answers lot of questions. She's great!
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010
Novedades Comics
El mes que viene se reeditan los tomos 1-3 de Anastasia Club, ya veremos si traen portadas nuevas o no.
Y en septiembre se edita el tomo 1 de Las Amistades Peligrosas.
Eso es todo por ahora!
Hi everyone! sorry for the lack of updates but I had some problems with Internet and later i've been on vacation.
Next month they're releasing vol 1-3 of Anastasia Club, we will see if they come with new covers or not.
And in September they're releasing the first volume of Dangerous Liaisons.
That's all for now
martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
Imagenes: Ice Forest
viernes, 30 de abril de 2010
martes, 27 de abril de 2010
Revista Harmony
martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
Buronzu no Fansub
Asi pues, con un poquito de paciencia todo estara listo dentro de poco.
Por lo pronto ya teneis disponibles los projectos de BnF aqui: Angel de Bronze, El vals de las magnolias, Cesar Borgia y La Musa. Los links estan en sus respectivas fichas. Recordad Cesar Borgia y La Musa son parte de los Koi Monogatari.