martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Portadas Ice Forest

Con un poco de retraso pero aqui teneis scans de las portadas de los tomos 5 y 6. Click para agrandar (son 1200 pixeles de ancho)

With some delay...but here you are scans of vol 5 and 6 covers. Click to enlarge (1200 pixels width)

7 comentarios:

Joosje dijo...

Awesome blog! Have you made them by yourself?

montana dijo...

make the drawings? No, this blog is about japanese manga author Saito Chiho. I just post news and images of her work, to let fans know her latest creations ^^

These are scans of 2 manga covers.

Anónimo dijo...

Can you recheck the link as I can't enlarge volume 5.

montana dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Thanxx a bunch
Oh and did you scan these covers yourself or found it on a site? If you scan these yourself, next time would it be possible if you could scan at 300dpi?
Much appreciated

montana dijo...

I did it my self indeed, and they are 300dpi, though reduced a bit in size

Anónimo dijo...

Oh. May I ask if possible, could you please post all the covers of Ice Forest at 300dpi original size please?

Thanxx so much in advance.